SGL: A Domain-Specific Language for Large-Scale Analysis of Open-Source Code

2018 IEEE Cybersecurity Development (SecDev)(2018)

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Today software is built in fundamentally different ways from how it was a decade ago. It is increasingly common for applications to be assembled out of open-source components, resulting in the use of large amounts of third-party code. This third-party code is a means for vulnerabilities to make their way downstream into applications. Recent vulnerabilities such as Heartbleed, FREAK SSL/TLS, GHOST, and the Equifax data breach (due to a flaw in Apache Struts) were ultimately caused by third-party components. We argue that an automated way to audit the open-source ecosystem, catalog existing vulnerabilities, and discover new flaws is essential to using open-source safely. To this end, we describe the Security Graph Language (SGL), a domain-specific language for analyzing graph-structured datasets of open-source code and cataloguing vulnerabilities. SGL allows users to express complex queries on relations between libraries and vulnerabilities in the style of a program analysis language. SGL queries double as an executable representation for vulnerabilities, allowing vulnerabilities to be automatically checked against a database and deduplicated using a canonical representation. We outline a novel optimization for SGL queries based on regular path query containment, improving query performance by up to 3 orders of magnitude. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of SGL in practice to find zero-day vulnerabilities by identifying several flaws in the open-source version of Oracle GlassFish Server.
domain specific language,security,program analysis
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