
A Task-and-technique Centered Survey on Visual Analytics for Deep Learning Model Engineering.

Computers & graphics(2018)

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Although deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance in several artificial intelligence applications in the past decade, they are still hard to understand. In particular, the features learned by deep networks when determining whether a given input belongs to a specific class are only implicitly described concerning a considerable number of internal model parameters. This makes it harder to construct interpretable hypotheses of what the network is learning and how it is learning both of which are essential when designing and improving a deep model to tackle a particular learning task. This challenge can be addressed by the use of visualization tools that allow machine learning experts to explore which components of a network are learning useful features for a pattern recognition task, and also to identify characteristics of the network that can be changed to improve its performance. We present a review of modern approaches aiming to use visual analytics and information visualization techniques to understand, interpret, and fine-tune deep learning models. For this, we propose a taxonomy of such approaches based on whether they provide tools for visualizing a network's architecture, to facilitate the interpretation and analysis of the training process, or to allow for feature understanding. Next, we detail how these approaches tackle the tasks above for three common deep architectures: deep feedforward networks, convolutional neural networks, and recurrent neural networks. Additionally, we discuss the challenges faced by each network architecture and outline promising topics for future research in visualization techniques for deep learning models. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Visual analytics,Neural network visualization,Deep learning visualization,Deep learning,Neural Networks,Visual analytics survey
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