
Comparison of Chlordecone and NDL-PCB Decontamination Dynamics in Growing Male Kids after Cessation of Oral Exposure: is There a Potential to Decrease the Body Levels of These Pollutants by Dietary Supplementation of Activated Carbon or Paraffin Oil?


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Sixteen weaned male Alpine kids (Capra hircus) were subjected to a 21-day oral daily exposure of 0.05 mg kg-1 BW. d-1 of chlordecone (CLD) and 0.30 μg kg-1 BW. d-1 of each non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (NDL-PCBs, congeners 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180). Four kids, identified as the CONTA group, were slaughtered at the end of the exposure, while the remaining animals (n = 12) were fed with specific diets for an additional 21-day decontamination period before slaughtering. Kids from the DECONTA (n = 4) group were fed a control diet, while those from the AC10% and PO8% group received pellets supplemented with 10% activated carbon (AC) and 8% paraffin oil (PO), respectively. CLD and NDL-PCB levels in blood, liver, peri-renal fat and muscles from different groups were analysed to compare the decontamination dynamics of the pollutants and to determine the efficiency of AC and PO to decrease the body levels of pollutants. After the decontamination period, the CLD levels considerably decreased (more than 60%) in blood, liver, muscles and fat. Concerning NDL-PCBs, the decontamination process was much lower. Overall, CLD appeared to be less retained in kids' organism compared with NDL-PCBs, and the decontamination dynamics of these pollutants appeared to be different because of their specific physicochemical properties and lipophilicity. Furthermore, the dietary supplementation with AC or PO did not significantly affect the decontamination dynamics.
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