
Reparameterization of an Accurate, Few-Parameter Implicit Solvation Model for Quantum Chemistry: Composite Method for Implicit Representation of Solvent, CMIRS V. 1.1.

Journal of chemical theory and computation(2016)

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CMIRS (composite method for implicit representation of solvent) is a relatively new implicit solvation model that adds terms representing solute-solvent dispersion, Pauli repulsion, and hydrogen bonding to a continuum treatment of electrostatics. A small error in the original implementation of the dispersion term, but one that can modify dispersion energies by up to 8 kcal/mol in some cases, necessitates refitting the parameters in the model, which we do here. We refer to the modified implementation and parameter set as CMIRS v. 1.1. While the dispersion energies change in nontrivial ways, an increase in the attractive dispersion term in the new implementation is largely offset by an increase in the Pauli repulsion during the fitting process, such that overall statistical errors are virtually unchanged with respect to v. 1.0 of the model, for a large database of experimental solvation free energies for molecules and ions. Overall, we obtain mean unsigned errors of <0.7 kcal/mol when the solvent is cyclohexane or benzene, <1.5 kcal/mol for water, and <2.8 kcal/mol for dimethyl sulfoxide and acetonitrile, despite using no more than five empirical parameters per solvent. For the important but difficult case of ionic solutes in water, mean unsigned errors are <2.9 kcal/mol.
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