Deletion of the neural tube defect–associated gene Mthfd1l disrupts one-carbon and central energy metabolism in mouse embryos

Journal of Biological Chemistry(2018)

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One-carbon (1C) metabolism is a universal folate-dependent pathway essential for de novo purine and thymidylate synthesis, amino acid interconversion, universal methyl-donor production, and regeneration of redox cofactors. Homozygous deletion of the 1C pathway gene Mthfd1l encoding methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)-dependent) 1-like, which catalyzes mitochondrial formate production from 10-formyltetrahydrofolate, results in 100% penetrant embryonic neural tube defects (NTDs), underscoring the central role of mitochondrially derived formate in embryonic development and providing a mechanistic link between folate and NTDs. However, the specific metabolic processes that are perturbed by Mthfd1l deletion are not known. Here, we performed untargeted metabolomics on whole Mthfd1l-null and wildtype mouse embryos in combination with isotope tracer analysis in mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cell lines to identify Mthfd1l deletion-induced disruptions in 1C metabolism, glycolysis, and the TCA cycle. We found that maternal formate supplementation largely corrects these disruptions in Mthfd1l-null embryos. Serine tracer experiments revealed that Mthfd1l-null MEFs have altered methionine synthesis, indicating that Mthfd1l deletion impairs the methyl cycle. Supplementation of Mthfd1l-null MEFs with formate, hypoxanthine, or combined hypoxanthine and thymidine restored their growth to wildtype levels. Thymidine addition alone was ineffective, suggesting a purine synthesis defect in Mthfd1l-null MEFs. Tracer experiments also revealed lower proportions of labeled hypoxanthine and inosine monophosphate in Mthfd1l-null than in wildtype MEFs, suggesting that Mthfd1l deletion results in increased reliance on the purine salvage pathway. These results indicate that disruptions of mitochondrial 1C metabolism have wide-ranging consequences for many metabolic processes, including those that may not directly interact with 1C metabolism.
mitochondrial metabolism,energy metabolism,metabolomics,folate,embryo,neural tube closure
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