
Time to implement a national referral pathway for suspected cauda equina syndrome: review and outcome of 250 referrals.

Muhammad Masood Hussain,Adam Alexander Razak, Syed Sibet Hassan,Kishor A Choudhari, George Michael Spink


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Introduction: Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is a condition with significant implications and medico-legal profile. The literature still lacks large primary studies to provide strong evidence for a robust management pathway. Statements from Neurosurgical and Spinal societies support early diagnosis and imaging but this has not resulted in any noticeable shift in referral pattern. We strongly feel the need for a nationally agreed, evidence-based referral pathway in practice. We present our large series and in-depth analysis of the referral pathway to provide strong evidence for more robust referrals and management. Methods: We reviewed 250 referrals of suspected CES (sCES) to the regional neurosurgical unit, evaluating the importance of clinical findings and the imaging pathway. Results: After clinico-radiological evaluation only 32 (13%) had confirmed CES requiring urgent surgery. There was no significant difference in terms of clinical presentation between these true cases of CES (tCES) and false cases (fCES). Imaging was therefore the key rate-limiting step. MRI was the most common investigation used. 73 patients presented without imaging out of hours (OOH). In this group, investigation was delayed to the next day in 60/73 (82%) patients while only 13 (18%) patients underwent OOH MRI. Only 2 (3%) were able to have this at their local hospital. Conclusions:As with previous studies we conclude that signs/symptoms are insufficient to identify tCES. Taking into consideration the improved outcome with early diagnosis, the importance of early scanning in diagnosing tCES, and the poor availability of OOH MRI scanning outside of neurosurgical units, we recommend a national policy of 24/7 MRI availability for cases of sCES at all hospitals with MRI scanners. This would remove the 87% of patients not requiring urgent surgery from an unnecessary and distracting referral process.
Suspected cauda equina syndrome,true cauda equina syndrome,false cauda equina syndrome,MRI
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