Who should finance WHO's work on emergencies?

The Lancet(2016)

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In May, 2015, the 68th World Health Assembly approved the decision to reform the work of WHO on emergencies by creating a single programme for outbreaks and health emergencies, and an accompanying Contingency Fund for Emergencies (CFE). 1 WHODecisions and list of resolutions—A68/DIV./3. World Health Organization, Geneva2015 Google Scholar According to latest estimations, the core funding needs for the programme and the initial capital of the CFE will, respectively, range about US$300 million per year and $100 million. 2 WHO2014 Ebola virus disease outbreak and follow-up to the special session of the Executive Board on Ebola: options for a contingency fund to support WHO's emergency response capacity (report by the Director General), A68/26. World Health Organization, Geneva2015 Google Scholar To respond effectively to emergencies, these resources should be flexible, predictable, and directly accessible. Currently, it is unclear how such resources will be raised, although mobilising voluntary contributions from WHO partners seems to be the most likely option, 3 WHOReflections of the Advisory Group Chair Advisory group on reform of WHO's work in outbreak and emergencies. World Health Organization, Geneva2015 Google Scholar given that about 75% of WHO's total budget comes from voluntary contributions with assessed contributions from member states accounting for 25%. 4 WHOFinancial report and audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014. World Health Organization, Geneva2015 Google Scholar
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