In Vitro Cell-free DNA Quantification: A Novel Method to Accurately Quantify Cell Survival after Irradiation.


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to aid in both the detection of cancer and evaluation of somatic mutations in tumors. CtDNA concentration in plasma increases in proportion to tumor volume and/or metabolic activity and growth; however, this principle has yet to be applied to cell culture. We hypothesized that cell linespecific cell-free DNA (cfDNA) can be used to measure cell viability and cell survival in cell culture. Clonogenic assays on non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines H322, A549 and 11322 were exposed to radiation doses of 0, 4 and 8 Gy. Prior to colony fixation and counting, cfDNA was extracted and quantified from cell culture media. The correlation between cell line-specific cfDNA and number of colonies grown on culture plates was examined. An H1299:A549 coculture model was used to evaluate the differential release of cell line-specific cfDNA. The results of this work indicate a strong correlation between CfDNA quantification from cell culture media and clonogenic survival at all radiation doses and in all cell lines tested (R-2 range = 0.77-0.99). Cell survival curves derived from cfDNA were virtually indistinguishable from matched traditional clonogenic survival data (P > 0.05; no significant difference exists between clonogenic curves). CfDNA quantification also accurately estimates colony count in a two-cell-line coculture model. In conclusion, cell-free DNA quantification from cell culture media can be used to measure cell survival, and appears suitable for development in a high-throughput clonogenic assay and radiosensitizer screening platform. (C) 2018 by Radiation Research Society
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