
Electronic Medical Record Reporting Enhances Proactive Psychiatric Consultation

Christine T. Finn,Devendra Thakur,Katherine M. Shea,Natalie B.V. Riblet,H. Benjamin Lee, Gena Heng, Robert Scott, Todd S. Gardner, Susan Randlett, Teri LaRock, Nadee Siriwardana, Gilbert Green,William C. Torrey


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Background: Numerous studies have demonstrated that psychiatric and substance use issues in general hospital inpatients result in increased length of stay and associated costs. Additional studies have demonstrated that proactive consultation models in psychiatry can effectively address these problems. Selecting patients for proactive interventions is less well studied. Objective: We sought to develop an automated, electronic medical record-based screening tool to select patients who might benefit from proactive psychiatric consultation. Methods: An automated daily report was developed using information stored in electronic medical record and billing systems. Discrete data fields populating the report included diagnoses, orders, and nursing care plans. Results: Over a 9-month period, the report identified 2177 patients (19% of the total nonpsychiatric adult admissions) as potentially benefitting from proactive psychiatric interventions. Of these, 367 were confirmed as likely to benefit from intervention; 139 (38%) were randomized to the proactive psychiatric consultation group. Of those patients randomized to "treatment as usual," a subset later required psychiatric consultation, which was requested an average of 4 days after the time they were flagged by the report. Conclusions: The use of an electronic medical record-based automated report is feasible to select patients for proactive psychiatric interventions on admission and throughout the hospital stay. Early identification of patients may decrease length of stay and improve patient outcomes.
EMR,proactive consultation,behavior intervention team,psychiatric screening
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