
A Preliminary High-Definition Fiber Tracking Study of the Executive Control Network in Blast-Induced Traumatic Brain Injury

Journal of neurotrauma(2019)

引用 8|浏览13
Blast-induced traumatic brain injury (bTBI) is common in veterans of the Iraq- and Afghanistan-era conflicts. However, the typical subtlety of neural alterations and absence of definitive biomarkers impede clinical detection on conventional imaging. This preliminary study examined the structure and functional correlates of executive control network (ECN) white matter in veterans to investigate the clinical utility of using high-definition fiber tracking (HDFT) to detect chronic bTBI. Demographically similar male veterans (N=38) with and without bTBI (ages 24 to 50 years) completed standardized neuropsychological testing and magnetic resonance imaging. Quantitative HDFT metrics of subcortical-dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) tracts were derived. Moderate-to-large group effects were observed on HDFT metrics. Relative to comparisons, bTBI demonstrated elevated quantitative anisotropy (QA) and reduced right hemisphere volume of all examined tracts, and reduced fiber count and increased generalized fractional anisotropy in the right DLPFC-putamen tract and DLPFC-thalamus, respectively. The GroupxAge interaction effect on DLPFC-caudate tract volume was large; age negatively related to volume in the bTBI group, but not comparison group. Groups performed similarly on the response inhibition measure. Performance (reaction time and commission errors) robustly correlated with HDFT tract metrics (QA and tract volume) in the comparison group, but not bTBI group. Results support anomalous density and integrity of ECN connectivity, particularly of the right DLPFC-putamen pathway, in bTBI. Results also support exacerbated aging in veterans with bTBI. Similar ECN function despite anomalous microstructure could reflect functional compensation in bTBI, although alternate interpretations are explored.
blast-induced TBI,executive function,high-definition fiber tracking,mild TBI,veterans
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