Technical aspects of nasal cavity surgery through the Le Fort I down-fracture approach: An otolaryngologist's point of view based on 90 patients' experience.


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Background. The downfracture access to septo- and turbinoplasty during maxillary osteotomy may be recommended in many cases. One or both of these laryngological interventions may be necessary when, after the patient's clinical evaluation, either an impaired function of nasal breathing or a deviated septum are present. The main postsurgical risk of the procedure is the destabilization of the cartilaginous septum position and its relation to adjacent anatomical structures, a change in the shape of the nose and the presence of a supratip break. Objectives. In this paper, the authors present their own experience in intranasal procedures, the relevant surgical techniques and possible complications, based on their own clinical findings and on a literature review. Material and methods. The general aim of the study was to describe the key points and differences between septo- and turbinoplasty performed classically and during Le Fort I osteotomy based on 90 orthognathic surgery patient cases. The procedures have been evaluated and compared regarding their advantages and disadvantages. Results. Intraoperative downfracture of the maxilla facilitates the performance of various subsequent procedures in the regions of the nasal cavities and sinuses. Due to a very convenient access to the nasal cavities, it is possible to perform septo- or turbinoplasty in patients with nasal airway breathing problems, a deviated septum, and in others. Conclusions. A combined effort of an otolaryngologist and a maxillofacial team improves the overall nasal breathing with a limited amount of complications. Endoscopy with low-dose computed tomography (CT) is a valuable diagnostic tool for measuring any breathing improvements in nasal capacity. Objective patient nasal breathing problems should be always investigated.
nasal septum,orthognathic surgery,maxillary osteotomy,intranasal procedure,septoplasty
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