Gait training using a stationary, one-leg gait exercise assist robot for chronic stroke hemiplegia: a case report.

Journal of physical therapy science(2018)

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[Purpose] The Gait Exercise Assist Robot (GEAR) is a stationary, one-leg robot for gait training. The purpose of this case study was to evaluate the efficacy of rehabilitation using GEAR training for chronic stroke hemiplegia. [Participant and Methods] The participant was a 66-year-old male stroke survivor with left hemiparesis due to a right putaminal hemorrhage. He could walk slowly under supervision, although his gait had a constant forward trunk lean, with flexed knee, and a lack of hip extension movement on the affected side. Gait training using GEAR and physical therapy were performed for 14 days. Under both training conditions, the physical therapist made the participant conscious of extension movement of the hip joint in the affected-side stance phase. The robotic assistance was adjusted to maximize voluntary movement while observing gait. Physical function and gait ability parameters were evaluated before and after training. [Results] After training, extension motion of the hip joint increased in the affected-side stance phase, and body weight was transferred smoothly onto the affected-side limb, leading to an improvement in gait speed. [Conclusion] Gait training using GEAR and physical therapy may improve gait pattern and speed in patients with chronic stroke hemiplegia.
Chronic stroke hemiplegia,Gait training,Robot
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