
Influence of Swine Leukocyte Antigen Haplotype on Serum Antibody Titers Against Swine Erysipelas Vaccine and Reproductive and Meat Production Traits of SLA-defined Selectively Bred Duroc Pigs

Journal of Veterinary Medical Science(2018)

引用 7|浏览31
We investigated possible associations of SLA class II haplotypes with serum antibody titers against a swine erysipelas vaccine, reproductive and meat production traits using a population of selective breeding Duroc pigs. In the selective breeding Duroc pigs, four SLA class II-DRB1 and -DQB1 alleles were assigned by using PCR-sequence specific primer technique. Low-resolution haplotype (Lr)-0.30 and/or Lr-0.13 were deduced from the SLA class II alleles in the population of SLA-defined Duroc pigs. SLA-homozygous piglets with the Lr-0.30 haplotype had relatively lower serum antibody titers against the vaccine compared to those with Lr-0.13. In contrast, there were no statistically significant differences in reproductive performance between the SLA-defined pigs with two SLA class II haplotypes. Weaning and rearing rates until the body weight of 105 kg was reached in homozygous piglets with Lr-0.30 were significantly lower than those in homozygous piglets with Lr-0.13. The SLA-defined pigs had lower birth and weaning weights, body weights at 60 days of age, and daily weight gains than non-selective breeding Duroc pigs. Furthermore, the SLA-defined pigs had slightly lower back fat thickness compared to the non-selective breeding pigs. The rib eye areas of homozygous or heterozygous pigs with Lr-0.13 were larger than those of homozygous pigs with Lr-0.30 and non-selective breeding pigs. These data suggested that SLA haplotypes had the potential as useful genetic markers for selective breeding in the population of SLA-defined Duroc pigs.
Duroc pig,reproductive and production trait,serum antibody titer,swine erysipelas vaccine,swine leukocyte antigen
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