Vision stolen by a hidden thief: 5-Year retention of a bandage contact lens.

Yan-Xiu Sun,Rong Wu, Hai-Yan Yang, Chang-Yu Yan,Jing Hong, Chang-Guan Wang

Contact lens & anterior eye : the journal of the British Contact Lens Association(2018)

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An 80 year-old male patient was prescribed a bandage contact lens on the left eye 5 years ago because of an injury on the eye by a wooden stick. He was never followed up to remove the contact lens. Two years ago, he suffered from gradually decreased visual acuity in the left eye. After removing the contact lens, his visual acuity gradually increased to 12/20 and the symptom revealed. Intraocular pressure, corneal endothelium density, corneal curvature, and the anterior chamber depth were within the normal range in the left eye, and were comparable with the right eye. Although no permanent damage was found in the patient, a strict follow-up procedure is strongly recommended for patients who receive a bandage contact lens.
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