
Genetically Inherited Obesity and High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Differentially Alter Spermatogenesis in Adult Male Rats.


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Obesity is a multifactorial disorder with predominantly genetic and/or environmental causes. Our aim was to delineate effects of genetically inherited and high-fat diet-induced obesity on fertility and spermatogenesis using two Wistar rat models: genetically inherited obese (GIO) WNIN/Ob rats and diet-induced obese (DIO) rats, which received a high-fat diet. The terminal body weights were similar in both groups, but there was a significant difference in metabolic and hormone profiles between the groups. Fertility assessment revealed a significant decrease in the litter size due to increased pre- and postimplantation loss in the DIO group, whereas the rats in the GIO group were infertile due to lack of libido. Significantly decreased sperm counts were observed in the GIO group compared with the DIO group. Enumeration of testicular cells on the basis of ploidy and cell type-specific expression markers, to study the effect of obesity on spermatogenesis, demonstrated that the GIO and DIO states affected mitosis: spermatogonia and S-phase population were increased. However, distinctive effects were observed on meiosis and spermiogenesis in both the groups. Differential effects of GIO and DIO on fertility and spermatogenesis could be due to the significant difference in white adipose tissue accumulation between the groups and not due to high body weights. The differential effects of obesity suggest male obesity-induced infertility observed in humans could be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
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