Talking about trauma in therapy: Perspectives from young people with post-traumatic stress symptoms and first episode psychosis.


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AIM:Despite recommendations from national guidelines, individuals with first episode psychosis (FEP) are currently unlikely to have the effects of their traumatic experiences assessed and treated within psychosis treatment. This may be due to the mismatch between the objectives of trauma-specific treatments (directly targeting post-traumatic stress symptoms by talking about the trauma) and trauma-informed care (limiting practices that may retraumatise clients). We aimed to gain an understanding of what it was like for young people to talk about trauma in FEP treatment, and how their experiences related to the broad conceptualisations of trauma-informed and trauma-specific treatment approaches. METHODS:Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven participants (18-27 years) with FEP and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms after the completion of an intervention for the effects of trauma. Transcripts were analysed using an interpretative phenomenological approach. RESULTS:Two superordinate themes were identified, each with subordinate themes. 1. Reluctance to approach the trauma memory: 1a. Not wanting to talk about trauma; 1b. Difficulty acknowledging that the trauma had occurred; 1c. Not wanting to re-experience emotions associated with trauma. 2. Factors aiding the process: 2a. Desire for change; 2b. Not being pushed to talk; 2c. Valuing the case manager; 2d. Time. CONCLUSIONS:A majority of participants in the study experienced reluctance when recounting their trauma memories. Being in control of how trauma memories are shared and having time for the therapeutic relationship to develop enhanced participants' readiness for talking about trauma. Incorporating trauma-informed principles and motivational interviewing could aid in facilitating the processes around talking about trauma.
childhood trauma,cognitive behavioural therapy,first episode psychosis,motivational interviewing,post-traumatic stress disorder
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