Poster Abstracts eScience 2018 Conference

2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science)(2018)

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The eScience conference aims to bring together leading international researchers and research software engineers from all disciplines to present and discuss how digital technology impacts scientific research. There were many poster abstracts submitted to the conference this year, and we have also invited several authors of full papers submitted to the conference to submit their work for a poster presentation. We are very happy with the selection of posters that have been confirmed for poster presentation at the conference. The diverse set of topics covered by the posters reflects the broad impact of eScience in various domains, as well as the high quality technical work that is performed by the various teams of researchers. Posters are a great way of presenting work at a conference that really encourage discussions and interactions among the participants. We look forward to the poster sessions at this year’s eScience conference.
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