An Approach to Enhance Understanding of Digital Forensics Technical Terms in the Presentation Phase of a Digital Investigation Using Multimedia Presentations.

SecureComm (2)(2018)

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This study examines the usage of multimedia presentations with a particular focus on the presentation phase within a trial context. The aim is to understand the extent to which multimedia presentations increase a lay person's understanding of technical terms and concepts in digital forensics. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted in Japan with 25 participants attending the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) 160th international training course entitled "Contemporary Digital Forensic Investigations". Multimedia presentations in the form of videos were played with the aim of explaining three concepts: cloud computing, botnet and forensic file recovery. The findings of our survey showed that 84% of the participants had a better understanding after watching the videos. These results both support and extend findings from our previous research studies. The discussion on material classification, background culture and language issues, video material, and other tools that would facilitate understanding and the needs of an expert provide guidance for the practical implementation of multimedia presentations for their usage in a courtroom setting.
digital forensics technical terms,digital investigation,presentations
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