The run-up of long waves of different polarity on non-reflecting and flat cross-shore profiles

Artem Rodin, Andrey Zemlyanikin,Andrey Kurkin,Andrea Giudici, Natalia Rodina

2018 IEEE/OES Baltic International Symposium (BALTIC)(2018)

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In this work the features of long wave run-up of different polarity on a flat and non-reflecting slopes are investigated. The depth of non-reflecting bottom configurations, in which, under the theory of shallow water there is no reflection from the bottom, is related to the distance from the edge by the dependence h ~ x 4/3 (where h is the depth of the basin and x is the distance from the edge). Only along Estonian coasts at least on 14 locations the bottom profile may be approximated by the exponent close to 4/3. For these locations the scenarios with high wave run-up are most probable. A long wave on such a beach, in the framework of the linear theory of shallow water, runs up particularly strongly, and the height of the wave on the coast significantly exceeds the height of the wave on a flat slope. A numerical solution was obtained within the framework of the nonlinear shallow water equations and Boussinesq type equations with the help of the CLAWPACK Software package ( The research was supported within the framework of the grant of the President of Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists (MK-1127.2017.5).
Mathematical model,Numerical models,Dispersion,Computational modeling,Sea measurements,Water conservation,Fluid dynamics
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