
Strangeness Production in Deep-Inelastic Positron-Proton Scattering at HERA

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Nuclear physics B(1996)

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Measurements of K0 meson and Λ baryon production in deep-inelastic positron-proton scattering (DIS) are presented in the kinematic range 10 < Q2 < 70 GeV2 and 10−4 < x < 10−2. The measurements, obtained using the H1 detector at the HEPA collider, are discussed in the light of possible mechanisms for increased strangeness production at low Bjorken-x. Comparisons of the xF spectra, where xF is the fractional longitudinal momentum in the hadronic centre-of-mass frame, are made with results from electron-positron annihilation. The xF spectra and the K0 “seagull” plot are compared with previous DIS results. The mean K0 and Λ multiplicities are studied as a function of the centre-of-mass energy W and are observed to be consistent with a logarithmic increase with W when compared with previous measurements. A comparison of strangeness production in diffractive and non-diffractive DIS is made. An upper limit of 0.9 nb, at the 95% confidence level, is placed on the cross section for QCD instanton induced events.
strangeness production,deep inelastic scattering
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