IoT service based systems building methodology

2018 26th International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSEng)(2018)

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Internet of Things is one of the key fields of modern computer science. The development of key concepts, architectures, methods and solutions is a driving factor research in this field conducted by both, academia and enterprises. Many of those researches focus on important concepts associated with hardware architecture of devices, their sustainability, power efficiency, their connectivity with the cloud and other related topics. However current solutions and concepts related to IoT are lacking a general and standardized methodology for building such systems, which would guide IT practitioners and architects in the process of design and development of such systems. This paper addresses the introduced problem with proposition of an end-to-end methodology for development intelligent IoT systems. The introduced methodology discusses the IoT service-based system’s architecture, the role of computing and communication services and, finally, practical management methods and solutions, enabling efficient and standardized development of IoT systems.
Internet of Things,Computer architecture,Architecture,Buildings,Cloud computing,Databases,Data visualization
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