CO2 efflux from decomposing leaf litter stacks is influenced by the vertical distribution of leaf litter water content and its temporal variation


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We evaluated the temporal changes in the vertical distribution of leaf litter respiration (R-LL) due to changes of leaf litter water content (W-LL) within the leaf litter layer (L layer) using in situ direct measurements. To investigate the vertical distribution of R-LL and W-LL within the leaf litter layer over a time-series, we measured the R-LL and W-LL of 10 separate layers in vertical leaf litter stacks fixed to the forest floor using wire pins. Measurements were conducted for 30 stacks in a temperate broad-leaved secondary forest between May 2008 and January 2009. In the warm season, high R-LL was observed at high W-LL, while low R-LL was observed at low W-LL. R-LL was comparatively lower during the cool season than during the warm season regardless of the magnitude of W-LL. The temperature sensitivity of R-LL differed depending on W-LL; temperature increases under low-moisture conditions had small effects on R-LL, while under higher-moisture conditions, R-LL was more responsive to temperature increases. Small differences in position within the leaf litter stack affected the vertical variation of W-LL and, consequently, there was large distribution in R-LL during the wet period and small distribution in R-LL (totally small values) during the dry period. Thus, CO2 efflux from the net L layer was strongly affected by R-LL distribution induced by the local wetting within the L layer. In estimating CO2 efflux from the L layer using water content of the L layer, monitoring of the water content of the L layer, which takes into account the vertical distribution in W-LL within the L layer, is necessary.
Decomposition,Leaf litter respiration,Leaf litter water content,Litter layer,Warm-temperate forest
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