Effect of Omija (Schisandra chinensis Baillon) Addition Ratio on Quality Characteristics of Mulberry Extracts

Journal of The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition(2015)

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of mulberry extracts added with Omija (Schisandra chinensis Baillon) in order to determine the best conditions to enhance sour taste of mulberry extracts during manufacturing. The total acidity of Omija was 5.71%, which was 20 times that of mulberry; sour taste of mulberry extracts could be enhanced by adding Omija during the extraction period. Overall, we observed reduction of pH and soluble solid contents as well as increased total acidity and anthocyanin content with a higher Omija adding ratio. In terms of taste acceptability, which is the most important parameter of beverage development, OC-3 (added with 18.75% Omija) and OC-4 (added with 25% Omija) values were 4.20±0.75 and 4.05±0.80, respectively, for mulberry extracts with Omija. This result was significantly different (Pu003c0.05) from the control group (without Omija addition), which showed an OC-3/OC-4 value of 2.30±1.24. The results of this study indicate that Omija addition at a ratio of 18.75∼25% and extraction period of 10∼12 days are optimum conditions to improve sour taste when developing mulberry extracts.
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