
Implementation of Low Carbon Construction Activities in Order to Optimize Water Consumption on the Construction Site

Research journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology(2014)

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The number of law carbon construction project had increased tremendously across Malaysia over the recent years. In fact, there is no doubt on the necessity of development law carbon construction and benefits that have for the society, specifically for the construction companies. In order to make significant inroads into the low carbon construction practices, the industry needs to improve its energy usage and natural resources consumed in all its construction site activities. This study attempts to evaluate the sources of CO 2 emission regarding water usage during construction project; secondly, to identify effective optimization method with regard to water usage in construction activities; and finally, to provide a plan of actions to minimize CO 2 emissions during construction activities. SPSS version 20 was used to analyse the collected data. 385 questionnaires were distributed to the construction companies in Malaysia. The findings revealed that, despite the importance of low carbon construction, not many companies are serious enough to cut down their natural resource consumption. The particular phenomena, myriad of contractors and construction firms in Malaysia have not yet paid attention binding themselves to carbon construction and green building's constitution in general by contrast to common construction activity. The location of the site for water is the main way for the law carbon construction and has been highlighted as the main reason of ignorance of the current situation within the construction sector. Indeed, introducing optimization methods is vital for contractors and supervisors of the sites to be motivated regarding inequality on usage of water during construction project, which lead to carbon dioxide creation. In addition to optimization water consumption, monitoring the usage of water during construction activity can play as a main role.
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