
Dual-End-Functionalized Tin (Sn)-Phyllosilicates for the Esterification of Oleic Acid

Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry/Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry - Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry(2016)

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We designed dual-end-functionalized tin (Sn)-phyllosilicate, where the -SH functional groups were subsequently oxidized for -SO3H/SO4H functionalities in a Bronsted acid with/without NH2 functional groups in a Bronsted base. Dual-end-functionalized tin (Sn)-phyllosilicates [MTES:APTS = 1.0:0.11, MTES:TEOS = 1.0:0.11 and 1.0:0.43, v/v] were fabricated where the inorganic framework of Sn species can function as a Lewis acid. The Sn-phyllosilicates with dual acids were applied to esterify oleic acid and produce oleic acid-methyl-ester to test their feasibility as fatty-acid-conversion solid catalysts. In the absence of amine groups, the increase in ratio of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) to (3-mercaptopropyl)-trimethoxysilane (MTES) for the synthesis of Sn-phyllosilicates (MTES:TEOS = 1.0:0.11 and 1.0:0.43, v/v) increased the recovery of Sn-phyllosilicate in the solvent media and gradually decreased the oleic acid methyl-ester production efficiency (%) of the oleic acid conversion. At the fixed 2.0 wt% Sn-phyllosilicate (MTES:APTS = 1.0:0.11, v/v) loading and oleic acid:MeOH weight ratio = 1:1, an 80 degrees C reaction temperature and 4 h reaction time were determined to be the optimal conditions for the oleic acid methyl-ester production, which had 90% oleic acid conversion efficiency. When the Sn-phyllosilicate (MTES:APTS = 1.0:0.11, v/v) loading was increased from 0.1 to 5.0 wt% at 80 degrees C and 4 h, the fatty-acid conversion efficiency (%) of oleic acid gradually increased from 39.16 to 92.23%. In contrast, Sn-phyllosilicate (MTES:TEOS = 1.0:0.43) had the lowest oleic acid conversion efficiency (%) but the highest catalyst recovery. In summary, this study presents a facile method to produce oleic acid conversion catalysts on an industrial scale. (C) 2016 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tin (Sn)-phyllosilicate,Dual-end functionalization,Bronsted acid/base,Lewis acid,Esterification
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