P2‐365: A Comprehensive Education Program for Carers of Persons with Dementia: A Randomized Crossover Trial

Alzheimers & Dementia(2016)

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In a preliminary study, carers occasionally showed either depression or positive emotions in daily caregiving [1] and their burdens may increase continuously as dementia progresses [1]. However, a comprehensive education program (CEP) can help carers by enabling an objectively self-evaluation of t stress and caregiving environments and coping with dementia. A CEP was designed to enhance carer coping skills to handle progressive dementia. It comprises medical, care-related, psychological, and social welfare domains, plus interactive exercises. A controlled crossover trial prioritized ethical considerations and benefit to all participants. CEP efficacy on carers was verified. In a controlled crossover trial, 54 carers were allocated randomly to CEP group (intervention group) and self-study group (control group) for the first trial period. Each group had 27 participants. After a one-month carryover period, participants in an intervention group were switched to the control group and vice versa for the second trial period. We measured dementia symptoms, caregiving stressors, care coping skills, cognitive caregiving appraisal, depression scale, and burnout at the beginning and the end of each trial period. Forty-one carers in the intervention condition showed positive behavioral changes (less depression and burnout, and better care coping skills and caregiving appraisal). Regarding coping strategy, “having opportunities away from caregiving”, “use of informal support” and “caregiving fulfillment” increased in the CEP group, but decreased in the self-study group, with significant differences of p=0.048, p=0.049 and p=0.047, respectively. CEP may help carers improve caregiving environments, enhance awareness of self-emotion by education in better coping skills, and enabling the share of experiences with other carers.
dementia,comprehensive education program,carers
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