
The Validation of the Clinical Male Pelvic Trainer Mk 2-Advanced Models for Scrotal Examination Simulation.

Journal of Surgical Education(2017)

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Objectives To validate the use of a novel physical model, the “Clinical Male Pelvic Trainer (CMPT) Mk 2—Advanced,” for scrotal examination simulation and evaluate its use for surgical education. Materials and Methods A total of 7 CMPT Mk 2—Advanced scrotal models were used for teaching: normal, varicocele, testicular tumor, epididymal cyst, hydrocele, epididymo-orchitis, and indirect inguinoscrotal hernia. At 4 surgical courses in the West Yorkshire Foundation Deanery, UK, between 2015 and 2016, trainees were asked to assess their clinical experience, confidence levels in diagnosing scrotal pathology and simulation properties of the scrotal models on a 5-point Likert Scale. Expert responses were used to validate these findings. Results In total, 65 trainees and 12 experts (including 3 senior residents) participated in the study ( n = 77). There was a positive-tailed distribution in responses from experts for realistic simulation of scrotal contents and pathology; only 1.5% and 14.4% of all responses by experts were scored as a “1” (strongly disagree) or “2” (disagree). The intraclass coefficient ( κ ) was 0.86 among experts. No significant differences between experts and trainees in assessment of simulation were observed. Following use of the models, there was a significant increase in confidence scores matched by trainee (p Conclusions Our study demonstrates that the CMPT MK 2—Advanced models have high “face validity” and may be a valuable tool for surgical education. The use of these models should be explored for use in the curriculum at medical school.
scrotal models,scrotal examination surgical education,confidence levels,urology,validation
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