
Argentinian Association of Crystallography: Iycr Activities and 10th Anniversary

Acta crystallographica Section A, Foundations and advances(2014)

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"The history of Crystallography in Argentina is very rich, probably starting with the pioneer work of Prof. Ernesto Galloni in the decade of the `40s. Thanks to Prof. Galloni, the National Committee of Crystallography was founded in 1958 and recognized by the IUCr in 1960. This committee organized several scientific meetings and was in good contact with the Ibero American Crystallography Group during about 35 years. After some crisis in the late `90s, some young crystallographers decided to reorganize the activities and form the Argentinian Association of Crystallography (AACr), which was finally founded on October 30th, 2004, on the occasion of the ""National Workshop on Crystallography"" held in Villa Giardino, Province of Córdoba. Therefore, in the International Year of Crystallography, the AACr is also celebrating its tenth anniversary. The regular annual events of the AACr are a scientific meeting, a school on Crystallography and a workshop. This year, they will be held in Mar del Plata (Province of Buenos Aires) in the period of October 27th-Novembre 7th. In addition, many other academic activities such workshops or postgraduate courses are being organized in the whole country. It is worth to remark the School on Fundamental Crystallography to be held in La Plata, followed by an Agilent-UNESCO-IUCr OpenLab in La Plata and Buenos Aires, in April-May. Moreover, taking into account that Crystallography is a field that needs more promotion in our country, the AACr decided to propitiate several educational and dissemination activities. They include a national crystal growing contest, promotion of Crystallography in high and primary schools through the National Fairs of Science of the Ministry of Education, dissemination talks for different audiences, exhibitions, etc. Acknowledgements: The AACr thanks all the crystallographers that are working hard in these activities: G. Echeverría, O. Piro, S. Suárez, M. Saleta, D. Tobía, R. Carbonio, G. Aurelio, J. Pedregosa, F. Doctorovich, S. Conconi, L. Baqué, F. Napolitano, S. Alconchel, C. Alvarez, A. Ares, C. Bernini, S. Brühl, M. Dailoff, M.A. Foi, M. Harvey, M.S. Lassa, S. Montoro, E. Pannunzio Miner, etc."
Argentinian Association of Crystallography,IYCr
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