Assessment of 25-hydroxy vitamin D in stroke patients based on severity and type: a cross-sectional study

Comparative Haematology International(2017)

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Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent worldwide. 25-Hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH) vit D) is the major circulating source of vitamin D. Deficiency of vitamin D has been proposed as a new risk factor for cardiovascular disease, including stroke. We aimed to evaluate 25(OH) vit D (ng/mL) serum levels in patients with stroke according to severity and type in a cross-sectional study that out of 143 patients 78 were male and 65 were female. Serum concentration of 25(OH) vit D was measured at baseline by ELISA method. Stroke severity was assessed at admission using the NIHSS score. The mean of 25(OH) vit D serum level in male was 18.14 ng/mL and in female was 28.23 ng/mL. Data showed a significant difference between 25(OH) vit D serum level and sex ( P = 0.009). At admission, 106 patients had ischemic stroke and 37 patients had hemorrhagic stroke with the mean of 22.52 and 23.31 ng/mL of 25(OH) vit D, respectively. Data presented no significant differences between 25(OH) vit D serum level and types of stroke. Furthermore, 40 patients (28%) had a minor stroke (0 ≤ NIHSS ≤ 5), 61 patients (42.7%) had a moderate stroke (6 ≤ NIHSS ≤ 14) and 42 patients (29.3%) had a severe stroke (15 ≤ NIHSS ≤ 42), with the mean of 21, 21.8, and 25.6 ng/mL of 25(OH) vit D, respectively. Data showed no significant difference between 25(OH) vit D serum level and severity ( P = 0.61). This study showed that low 25(OH) vit D serum level is common in male but there was not any relation between serum level of 25(OH) vit D, type, and severity of stroke.
Stroke, 25(OH) vitamin D, Severity, Patient, Serum, Sex
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