
Evaluation of an Improved Rocket Traps, and Baits Combination for Its Attractiveness to Hemipteran Bugs in Grass and Soybean Fields

Journal of Asia-Pacific entomology/Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology(2017)

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Alydids and pentatomids are economic pests of leguminous crops and fruits in Korea. Direct impacts given by these phytophagous adult and nymphal by sucking on the pods, seeds and fruits can reduce germination potential of leguminous seeds, and yield poor nutritional quality. For monitoring of these bugs, various types of traps housing species-specific baiting with pheromones are widely practiced. However, a trap developed for one species has not been found to capture other species. Here, we developed a multi-species trapping device with some modification for enhancing capture efficacy of sympatric hemipteran bugs, called ‘rocket trap with solar fan’ pertaining to its shape. The trap with and without solar fan, and yellow, black, and white color stimuli were examined for the attractiveness of sympatric hemipteran bugs against conventional traps such as pyramid and fish-net traps. In addition, the attractiveness of single or mixed baits combination to sympatric hemipteran was also tested. Among the tested traps, yellow rocket trap with solar fan was found to attract significantly higher number of stink bug species. Major stink bugs, Riptortus pedestris, Halyomorpha halys, and Piezodorus hybneri were attracted to yellow rocket trap with solar fan baited with aggregation pheromone of H. halys in the fields. The yellow rocket trap baited with aggregation pheromones along with food and synergist was found more attractive to stink bugs. Results designate that yellow rocket trap with solar fan, and yellow rocket trap baited with mixed form of baits would have enhanced the monitoring and capturing sympatric hemipteran bugs in diversified agricultural landscapes.
Pentatomids and alydids,Seasonal occurrence,Solar fan,Pyramid,Fish-net traps,Bait combinations
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