Reproductive health care in Brazil: searching for ethnic differentials


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This study intended to compare reproductive health care indicators between white and black women in Brazil. Data collected at the 2006 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) were analyzed. The sample allows inferences for the country's five great regions and rural/urban residence. Among 14.625 females aged 15 to 49, white and black women accounted respectively for 40% and 54% of the total sample. Health care during pregnancy and child bearing were assessed by six indicators: attendance to at least one antenatal care visit, having attended to at least six antenatal care visits, attendance to at least one health care visit after child bearing, type of delivery, having received pain relief during a vaginal birth and having someone (relative or friend) with her during delivery. Besides skin color, the following independent variables were considered: age, region of residence, urban/rural residence, religion, marital status, schooling, economic status and having or not private health insurance. At bivariate analysis, all outcomes were unfavorable for black women, for those with low both educational level and economic status, as well for those without health private insurance. However, after multivariate analysis results showed no statistical differences between black and white women. On the other hand, social and economic inequalities remained important determinants of inequities on reproductive health services access.
Health Inequalities,Reproductive Health,Obstetric Care,Race,DHS
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