Trypanosomosis of wild animals with emphasis on Indian scenario

Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports(2017)

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Trypanosomosis is a significant disease affecting wild animals throughout the globe. The literature pertaining to wild life trypanosomosis in India is very much scanty. Therefore, an effort was made to compile all the available literatureabout prevalence of trypanosomosis in wild animals, its clinico-pathology, diagnosis, treatment and control from Indian perspective. Reports suggest that the clinical disease and outbreaks in Indian wildlife occurs more commonly among captive than the free-living wild animals. Though the clinical symptoms showed by affected animals are same as described everywhere, however carnivorism of affected meat was found to be the striking feature in many feline and canine wild life outbreaks from India. Draught, starvation and concurrent diseases often compromise the trypano-tolerant status leading to flared up trypanosomosis in free-living wild animals. The cumulative effect of any of these factors produces severe physiological and somatic stress which in turn leads to immunosupression. Stress is the underlying cause that compromises the trypanotolerance in wild animals.
India,Trypanosomosis,Wild life
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