Incidence of disturbance and damage to deep-sea corals and sponges in areas of high trawl bycatch near the California and Oregon border

Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography(2018)

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We evaluated disturbance and damage to deep-sea corals and sponges (DSCS) in areas of longtime (> 65 years) bottom trawling off southern Oregon and northern California. The incidence of disturbance was quantified from video and still images collected along strip transects conducted with underwater vehicles operating at depths of 600–2100m. All DSCS were identified, counted, and measured, condition (healthy, unhealthy, or dead) was determined, and associated seafloor substratum types were designated. Physical disturbance and damage were classified as DSCS with broken or missing parts, overturned, or detached from the seafloor. Overall frequency of disturbance to DSCS throughout the study area was 2% of the total number observed; most of these were coral colonies while sponges were rarely damaged. There was notable disturbance to corals, particularly to bamboo corals of the family Isididae (45% of 873 colonies were impacted), at depths of 1100–1150m in our most northern study site off southern Oregon and the southern site off Cape Mendocino, California. Nearly 20% (n = 78) of disturbed bamboo corals were sheared off at the base, leaving only small stumps to be counted. Height of intact undisturbed bamboo coral colonies ranged from 5 to 185cm. The Mendocino Ridge area had the highest incidence of coral bycatch in research bottom trawls conducted between 2001 and 2015. Using visual survey tools, we now have a better understanding of the extent of damage and disturbance to DSCS. Conservation areas have been implemented off the U.S. West Coast to protect seafloor habitats, but DSCS in our study site remain vulnerable to impacts from bottom-contact fishing gears.
USA,Southern Oregon,Northern California,40.2–42.1°N,125°W
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