
Simulations of an Argon Z-Pinch Implosion with Time-Dependent Non-LTE Population Kinetics

Bulletin of the American Physical Society(2017)

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Three argon gas-puff implosions were performed on the Z-machine at Sandia National Laboratories. These three loads had the same density profile from an 8 cm diameter nozzle, a 1 mg/cm mass, and had a 2.5 cm length. The experiments produced similar K-shell radiative power pulses and yields [1]. Simulations with the 2-D Radiation MHD code Mach2 were able to reproduce the experimental K-shell powers, yields, and emission region. It was also shown that the ratio of the argon Ly $\alpha$ to He plus intercombination (IC) lines from the simulation had good agreement to the experiments after peak K-shell power; however, the simulation's line ratio was higher prior to peak K-shell power. The authors attribute the difference to 3-D effects or on the implicit assumption of steady-state population kinetics [2]. This presentation will illustrate the effect of time-dependent level populations on the K-shell radiation from simulations using the NRL DZAPP code. DZAPP is a coupled 1-D MHD, detailed non-LTE atomic physics with radiation transport, incorporating a transmission line circuit. The argon line ratios and K-shell power pulses from the steady-state and time-dependent populations will be presented and compared with experiment.
argon Z-pinch implosion,argon gas-puff implosions,Sandia National Laboratories,density profile,K-shell powers,emission region,intercombination lines,peak K-shell power,line ratio,steady-state population kinetics,time-dependent level populations,K-shell radiation,NRL DZAPP code,nonLTE atomic physics,radiation transport,transmission line circuit,argon line ratios,K-shell power pulses,time-dependent populations,1D MHD,2D Radiation MHD code Mach2,K-shell radiative power pulses
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