Proportional crosstalk correction for the segmented clover at iThemba LABS


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Reaching new depths in nuclear structure investigations requires new experimental equipment and new techniques of data analysis. The modern gamma-ray spectrometers, like AGATA and GRETINA are now built of new-generation segmented germanium detectors. These most advanced detectors are able to reconstruct the trajectory of a gamma-ray inside the detector. These are powerful detectors, but they need careful characterization, since their output signals are more complex. For instance for each gamma-ray interaction that occurs in a segment of such a detector additional output signals (called proportional crosstalk), falsely appearing as an independent (often negative) energy depositions, are registered on the non-interacting segments. A failure to implement crosstalk correction results in incorrectly measured energies on the segments for two- and higher-fold events. It affects all experiments which rely on the recorded segment energies. Furthermore incorrectly recorded energies on the segments cause a failure to reconstruct the gamma-ray trajectories using Compton scattering analysis. The proportional crosstalk for the iThemba LABS segmented clover was measured and a crosstalk correction was successfully implemented. The measured crosstalk-corrected energies show good agreement with the true gamma-ray energies independent on the number of hit segments and an improved energy resolution for the segment sum energy was obtained.
gamma-ray instruments,segmented germanium detectors,TIGRESS,pulse shapes analysis,crosstalk
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