Stopping Transformed Growth with Cytoskeletal Proteins: Turning a Devil into an Angel


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A major hallmark of cancer is uncontrolled growth on soft matrices, i.e. transformed growth. Recent studies show that local contractions by cytoskeletal rigidity sensor units block growth on soft surfaces and their depletion causes transformed growth. The contractile system involves many cytoskeletal proteins that must be correctly assembled for proper rigidity sensing. We tested the hypothesis that cancer cells lack rigidity sensing due to their inability to assemble contractile units because of altered cytoskeletal protein levels. In four widely different cancers, there were over ten-fold fewer rigidity-sensing contractions compared with normal fibroblasts. Restoring normal levels of cytoskeletal proteins restored rigidity sensing and rigidity-dependent growth in cancer cells. Most commonly, this involved restoring balanced levels of the tropomyosins 2.1 (often depleted by miR-21) and 3 (often overexpressed). Restored cells could be transformed again by depleting other cytoskeletal proteins including myosin IIA. Thus, the depletion of rigidity sensing modules enables growth on soft surfaces and many different perturbations of cytoskeletal proteins can disrupt rigidity sensing thereby enabling transformed growth.
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