Abstract P056: Emerging Lifestyle Markers Predict Regression of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Scores


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Introduction: CVD remains the number one cause of mortality in the western world. Carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) is a safe u0026 reliable predictor of future CVD risk. This study assesses which lifestyle factors best predict a change in IMT over time. Hypothesis: We assessed the null hypothesis that all lifestyle changes are effective. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional analysis of 289 men u0026 women undergoing health u0026 cardiovascular risk screening every 1-2 years at an outpatient wellness center in Florida. This study reflects the first visit at the clinic, u0026 a second visit that occurred on average 2.8 years later. These subjects ranged in age from 23-65 (mean = 48.2). In addition to testing, subjects received nutrition, fitness, u0026 health coaching. Measurements were made of fitness using VO2max stress testing, diet intake using a 3-day dietary intake survey. Laboratory u0026 anthropometric measures were obtained fasting. Mean IMT scores used high resolution B-mode ultrasonography of the common carotid arteries. Each subject had ≥10 images collected from the far wall of both distal 1 cm of the common carotid arteries at end diastole. The carotid intimal thickness was measured as a continuous variable, using both multivariate u0026 bivariate linear regression, adjusting for age u0026 gender; as our site IMT precision was = 3%, we selected a 4% change as significant. Results: The average decrease in IMT score in this cohort was -0.018 mm over 2.8 years, a 2.04% reduction. The bivariate analyses showing a significant association with a ≥4% reduction in IMT in 62 of 288 subjects; they were a decrease in: Body mass index (BMI) (p=0.047), body fat (p=0.025), total cholesterol (TC) (p=0.031), LDL cholesterol (p=0.028), TC/HDL (0.002), or an increase in dietary intake of: magnesium (p=0.0001), fiber (p=0.017), vitamin D (p=0.016), vitamin K (p=0.001), potassium (p=0.001), u0026 calcium (p=0.024). In a multivariate analysis, starting a statin medication (p=0.0007), a decrease in BMI (p=0.042), baseline IMT, male gender, diastolic BP decrease, u0026 years of follow up were predictive of 4% IMT decline. Prior use of a statin medication was not significant. Conclusions: In conclusion, this study shows that a reduction in IMT score over 2.8 years is associated with a decrease in: BMI, body fat, TC, LDL, TC/HDL ratio, u0026 diastolic BP; or, an increase in intake of: magnesium, fiber, vitamins K u0026 D, potassium, u0026 calcium; or, starting a statin medication.
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