Late Breaking Abstract - Pulmonary hypertension modifies cardiac genes myh7 and col1a1 nonreversible by training


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Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a serious disease that leads to cor pulmonale and right heart failure. It is still unknown the effects of preventive training in early stages of PH regarding the genes in right ventricle. Aim: to investigate preventive aerobic training effects on genes in right ventricle (RV). Methods: 32 adult male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups (n=8): Sedentary control (S); Training control(T); Sedentary PH(SPH); Training PH(TPH). The animals trained for 13 weeks on a treadmill, being two weeks of adaptation and eleven of training. PH was induced by the application of monocrotaline (60mg/kg) during the tenth week of training, and the control animals received a saline application. Two tests of lactate threshold were performed 24 hours and 14 days after the application of monocrotaline. At the end of the thirteenth week, an echocardiogram was performed. The animals were euthanized, and the right ventricle was examined by gene expression analysis using real-time RT-qPCR of col1a1, col1a2, myh6 and myh7. Results: Cardiac dysfunction was demonstrated by the reduction of maximum speed in the pulmonary artery and acceleration time of the pulmonary artery. There was an increase of the col1a1 gene (p-value=0.008) between the groups SPH and TPH vs. S and TPH vs. T, and of the myh7 gene (p-value=0.0242) between the groups TPH vs. S. Conclusions: We concluded that at the onset of cardiac dysfunction by PH there is an increase of myh7 and col1a1 genes, and preventive training did not alleviate these genetic modifications.
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