Play and recreation in a developing country context: assessing utility of Jardin public gardens, Bujumbura, Burundi.

Journal of Physical Activity and Health(2017)

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Play and recreation programming are increasingly becoming part of the modern city. This study explored the level of access to, satisfaction with, and perceptions of quality of Jardin Public Gardens, the only public open green space in Bujumbura, Burundi’s capital. The study evaluated distance, age, perceived quality, and satisfaction as facilitators of use of the gardens. The overall goal was to assess the role of the gardens in promoting social integration in a historically divided along hostile ethnic lines. Despite concerns with the poor quality of the facility and lack of diversity in recreation and play programs and activities, findings show that amenity is highly valued and accessible to residents. Recommendations are made to improve the facility, add more programs and support for play and recreation programming in Bujumbura for enhanced human and societal well-being.Keywords: Play, recreation, Jardin Public Gardens, Bujumbura, social integration
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