Novel infectious diseases in europe

Medical review(2017)

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Introduction. The end of 20th and beginning of 21st century is marked by the discovery of new, supercontagious and fast spreading viral diseases. Since 1967, more than 40 new agents have been identified, including human immunodeficiency virus, Ebola, Marburg fever, severe acute respiratory syndrome, hepatitis C, hepatitis E viruses and Zika virus. Modern lifestyle, availability and speed of air traffic, migrations, as well as climate changes, enable faster spreading of infectious diseases from the regions that were hardly reachable. We selected a few diseases that raised the greatest attention among experts and public in general. Ebola. Ebola virus raises anxiety due to high mortality and fast spreading by using inter-human contact. Zika virus. Zika virus, that most often causes mild symptoms, is potentially responsible for microcephaly in neonates. Dengue. Dengue virus is an ?old story?, but in last decades incidence has multiplied by 30. West Nile virus. Although discovered in 1937, West Nile virus has been found exclusively in rural parts of Africa, while nowadays it represents one of the most important etiological factors of viral meningo-encephalitis all over the world. Hepatitis E. Today it is well-known that hepatitis E virus can cause not only acute viral hepatitis but also potentially blood-transmitted chronic hepatitis in immunocompromised, as well as some neurological disorders. Conclusion. One of the scientific challenges in the future will certainly be the discovery of available and cost-effective diagnostic tests, as well as efficient and safe vaccines for these diseases. Up to now, efficient prophylaxis is available only for Denga virus.
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