
Monitoring the Situation: Implementation of a Patient Information Monitor in a Radiation Therapy Department Waiting Room

Journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences(2018)

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The waiting room experience can drive patient satisfaction and affect outlook on encounters with healthcare professionals and quality of care. Patient education initiatives in waiting areas can improve overall patient experience in the primary care setting. A recent survey conducted in the radiation therapy department of a large metropolitan cancer centre revealed patients and their families were dissatisfied with the waiting room experience. Patients reported a lack of distraction and a desire for more information on available resources. The aim of this initiative was to evaluate the impact of a patient information monitor on the experience of patients and families visiting the radiation therapy department at our centre. This initiative was executed by a pre-existing patient experience working group with representation from different areas within the department including administration, treatment delivery, specialty areas, research and education. A brainstorming session was held and five categories of content were identified: 1) Organizational Information (e.g. parking services), 2) Resources Available (e.g. family and supportive services), 3) Trivia and Random Facts, 4) Brain Teasers, and 5) Scenic Photos. Categories were assigned to group members for content development. Template pages were created using Microsoft PowerPoint™ to ensure consistency and uniformity of content presentation. Where possible, information from existing patient education and information materials was used verbatim. To avoid repetition during a patient visit, a minimum of one hour of content was required, with each page of content displayed for 30 seconds for a total of 120 pages. Sample pages were sent to various stakeholders for review, including patient education experts, patient representatives and interprofessional groups. Once the monitor was on display, 50 patients and caregivers were approached for their reaction and feedback on the content. Development and upload of content is labour intensive. This is compounded by the volume of content required to reduce repetition. Additionally, content needs to be reviewed periodically to ensure information is accurate and up-to-date. Currently, there is a single monitor positioned in the middle of the radiation therapy waiting area. Only 21 of the 50 individuals approached for feedback had noticed the monitor. However, 29% (6/21) of patients that noticed the monitor found the Organizational and Resource content informative and helpful while 48% (10/21) enjoyed the distraction provided by the Scenic Photos, Trivia and Brain Teasers. The experience of patients and families in the radiation therapy waiting room is an important component of overall patient experience in our department. In the radiation therapy department, the patient information monitor serves as an easily accessible source of information and distraction for our patients and families. In the future, additional monitors in different locations could increase the number of individuals that benefit from this initiative.
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