
Morphological Identification of Pectoral Limb Bones of Indian Muntjac (muntiacus Muntjak) from Domestic Ruminants

Indian Journal of Animal Research(2018)

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Indian Muntjac is a short deer variety of Nilgiri-Wayand biosphere. Salient distinguishing features for morphological identification of bones of different species in vetero-legal cases is very important. Morphology of pectoral limb bones from adult Indian Muntjac (n=3), goat (n=6), sheep (n=3) and cross bred cattle (n=6) were carried out. Scapula presented a cranially-placed spine, prominent supraglenoid tubercle and extensive subscapular fossa in Indian Muntjac. Breadth to length ratio of scapula in Indian Muntjac is 0.56:1 whereas in small ruminants the values ranged from 0.41:1 to 0.44:1. Width ratio of supraspinatous to infraspinatous fossae ratio in Indian Muntjac, goat, sheep and cross bred cattle were 1:4.1, 1:2.8, 1:2.9 and 1:2.5 respectively. Angle created by acromian, junction of caudal end of scapular spine to lateral surface of scapula and long axis of scapula passing through spine was a major criterion of distinction and this angle in Indian Muntjac, goat, sheep and cross bred cattle were 520, 1400, 1300 and 1100 respectively. Though crest of the humerus was ill-defined, deltoid tuberosity was prominent in Indian Muntjac. Blunt summit of cranial part of lateral tuberosity of humerus projected above head and markedly curved over the intertuberal groove. Radial tuberosity was more distinct in cattle and sheep than in Indian Muntjac and goat. The grooves for extensor tendons on distal extremity of radius were well profiled in Indian Muntjac compared to cattle, goat and sheep. Olecranon of ulna was grooved in Indian Muntjac which was lacking in other animals. Distinct dorsal longitudinal groove on entire shaft and prominent medial and lateral borders were characteristic features in Indian Muntjac. Small metacarpal bone of Indian Muntjac and sheep had the form of a very thin rod. The morphological features revealed more resemblance to that of goat, sheep and spotted deer.
Crossbred cattle,Goat,Indian Muntjac,Morphology,Pectoral limb,Sheep
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