
Homogeneity Study of a GaAs:Cr Pixelated Sensor by Means of X-rays

Journal of instrumentation(2018)

引用 6|浏览10
Direct conversion semiconductor detectors have become an indispensable tool in radiation detection by now. In order to obtain a high detection efficiency, especially when detecting X or γ rays, high-Z semiconductor sensors are necessary. Like other compound semiconductors GaAs, compensated by chromium (GaAs:Cr), suffers from a number of defects that affect the charge collection efficiency and homogeneity of the material. A precise knowledge of this problem is important to predict the performance of such detectors and eventually correct their response in specific applications. In this study we analyse the homogeneity and mobility-lifetime products (μe τe) of a 500 μ m thick GaAs:Cr pixelated sensor connected to a Timepix chip. The detector is irradiated by 23 keV X-rays, each pixel recording the number of photon interactions and the charge they induce on its electrode. The μe τe products are extracted on a per-pixel basis, using the Hecht equation corrected for the small pixel effect. The detector shows a good time stability in the experimental conditions. Significant inhomogeneities are observed in photon counting and charge collection efficiencies. An average μe τe of 1.0 ⋅ 10−4 cm2V−1 is found, and compared with values obtained by other methods for the same material. Solutions to improve the response are discussed.
Materials for solid-state detectors,Pixelated detectors and associated VLSI electronics,X-ray detectors,Charge induction
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