
Development of Region Specific Hybrid Goat and their Performance Evaluation under High Altitude Condition

life science journal(2018)

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Goat meat (chevon) comprises an important source of protein to provide essential amino acids in addition to other meat and plant sources of proteins. Therefore, demands for chevon are huge from civil and defence sector in this region. However, there is limited availability of fresh tender chevon in Ladakh region round the year. Hence, there was a need of augmenting local availability of fresh goat meat by developing animal technology for fast growing region-specific crossbred goat for meat purpose that can efficiently perform under adverse climatic conditions prevailing in this region. The present crossbred goat was developed by using mixing genes of adaptive and meat traits through cross breeding between local goats (Changthangi and Gaddi breeds of goats) and Sirohi/Black Bengal goats. To develop this technology, we introduced Black Bengal and Sirohi from plain areas and native breed of goats viz. Gaddi and Changthangi goats for further adaptation and growth performance studies at Leh-Ladakh. After initial studies goats were divided into high altitude resistant/adapted and susceptible groups. High altitude resistant/adapted goats were taken for further cross breeding and pure breeding. All the kids produced out of this breeding were studied for physiological responses, growth performance, and blood biochemical parameters to know their adaptive and growth performance at high altitude. Crossbred kids of Sirohi ♂/Black Bengal ♂ X Changthangi ♀ had significantly (Pu003c0.05) higher weight gain, adaptive physiological responses and blood biochemicals level as compared to exotic pure bred and other cross bred kids. These crossbred kids attained market weight faster than local as well as breeds from plain areas (Sirohi and Black Bengal goats). Average meat yield is 7-10 kg per adult crossbred goat if slaughtered at 9-12 month age. These cross bred (broiler goat) may be reared at Leh-Ladakh for meat purpose. Hence, this animal technology may help in increasing of fresh goat meat (chevon) supply to meet army’s and civil requirements in Leh-Ladakh.
region specific hybrid goat,altitude
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