
Response of Foliar Supplementation of N, P and K Fertilizers on Yield and Economics of Pearl Millet

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences(2018)

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An experiment was conducted during rainy season of 2016 at Agronomy Farm of College of Agriculture, Bikaner (Rajasthan) to study the ‘Response of foliar supplementation of N, P and K fertilizers on yield and economics of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.)] hybrid RHB-177. The study comprised of 14 treatments of different N, P and K fertilizers applied as basal, top dressing and foliar application in randomized block design replicated thrice. Urea, DAP and KCl were used for basal application and urea as top dressing. Foliar spray of NPK (18:18:18) was done at 25 DAS and 35 DAS and urea (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5%) at 35 DAS. The results revealed that application of 75% N (50% basal+25% top dressing at 25 DAS): P: K+1.5% spray of NPK (18:18:18) at 35 DAS (T11) recorded significantly higher total number of tillers/ plant at 60 DAS (5.05), number of effective tillers/ plant (2.91), ear head weight (32.39 g), grain weight/ ear head (23.32 g), test weight (10.31 g), grain yield (2134 kg ha-1), stover yield (4744 kg ha-1) of biological yield (6878 kg ha-1) and of pearl millet. The highest harvest index (31.94%) was recorded with 50% as basal (NPK)+1.5% spray of NPK (18:18:18) at 35 DAS (T8) which was significantly higher over T1, T3, T4 and T5. The significantly highest gross return ( 42798 ha-1), net return ( 23026 ha-1) and benefit: cost ratio (2.16) were also obtained with the application of 75% N (50% basal+25% top dressing at 25 DAS): P: K+1.5% spray of NPK (18:18:18) at 35 DAS (T11).
foliar supplementation,yield
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