
Estimating parasite load dynamics to reveal novel resistance mechanisms to human malaria


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Improved methods are needed to identify host mechanisms which directly protect against human infectious diseases in order to develop better vaccines and therapeutics. Pathogen load determines the outcome of many infections, and is a consequence of pathogen multiplication rate, duration of the infection, and inhibition or killing of pathogen by the host (resistance). If these determinants of pathogen load could be quantified then their mechanistic correlates might be determined. In humans the timing of infection is rarely known and treatment cannot usually be withheld to monitor serial changes in pathogen load and host response. Here we present an approach to overcome this and identify potential mechanisms of resistance which control parasite load in Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Using a mathematical model of longitudinal infection dynamics for orientation, we made individualized estimates of parasite multiplication and growth inhibition in Gambian children at presentation with acute malaria and used whole blood RNA-sequencing to identify their correlates. We identified novel roles for secreted proteases cathepsin G and matrix metallopeptidase 9 (MMP9) as direct effector molecules which inhibit P. falciparum growth. Cathepsin G acts on the erythrocyte membrane, cleaving surface receptors required for parasite invasion, whilst MMP9 acts on the parasite. In contrast, the type 1 interferon response and expression of CXCL10 (IFN-γ-inducible protein of 10 kDa, IP-10) were detrimental to control of parasite growth. Natural variation in iron status and plasma levels of complement factor H were determinants of parasite multiplication rate. Our findings demonstrate the importance of accounting for the dynamic interaction between host and pathogen when seeking to identify correlates of protection, and reveal novel mechanisms controlling parasite growth in humans. This approach could be extended to identify additional mechanistic correlates of natural- and vaccine-induced immunity to malaria and other infections.
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