
Studies of Various Physics Effects on an On-Axis LHCD Experiment Using Numerical Tools

C. Yang, P. T. Bonoli,S. Shiraiwa, B. Ding, M. H. Li, Samuel Frank,Xuemei Zhai

Physics of plasmas(2018)

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The lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) plays an important role in the long pulse and high performance experiments on the EAST Tokamak, using LHW systems with frequencies of 2.45 GHz and 4.6 GHz. With the initial parallel refractive index mostly peaking at n∥∼1.8−2.1, it is difficult to have on-axis LHCD due to the accessibility conditions which prevents the LHW from propagating into the plasma core. However, according to the investigation of HXR diagnostics, LHW did provide an on-axis current drive in an EAST experiment. To interpret this on-axis LHCD phenomenon, various physics effects that give rise to variations in parallel wave numbers, thus influencing the propagation and the absorption of the LHW, have been taken into account, such as toroidal effects, full wave effects with focusing and diffraction, and scattering effects due to density fluctuations. Numerical tools including ray-tracing and full wave codes that contain one or two of the above physics effects have been used to model the heating and current drive of the LHW on EAST. Linear Landau damping and quasi-linear Landau damping have been compared by using the coupling between ray-tracing and the Fokker-Planck codes. Convergence studies have been performed for the full wave modeling, the maximum poloidal modes in the full wave have been scanned, and the results are compared with each other. The factors that characterize the amplitude, the radial thickness, and the location of the density fluctuations have been studied and scanned. The measurement of HXR diagnostics has been compared with synthetic diagnostics by reconstructing the HXR data from both the standard GENRAY/CQL3D LHCD modelling and the modeling taking the scattering effects into account.
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