
Optimal Scheduling and Science Delivery of Spectra for Millions of Targets in Thousands of Fields: the Operational Concept of the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE)

Observatory Operations Strategies, Processes, and Systems VII(2018)

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The Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE) will each year obtain millions of spectra in the optical to near- infrared, at low (R(see abstract for symbol) 3000) to high (R(see abstract for symbol) 40000) spectral resolution by observing <3000 spectra per pointing via a highly multiplexed fiber-fed system. Key science programs for MSE include black hole reverberation mapping, stellar population analysis of faint galaxies at high redshift, and sub-km/s velocity accuracy for stellar astrophysics. The architecture of MSE is an assembly of subsystems designed to meet the science requirements and describes what MSE will look like. In this paper we focus on the operations concept of MSE, which describes how to operate a fiber fed, highly multiplexed, dedicated observatory given its architecture and the science requirements. The operations concept details the phases of operations, from selecting proposals within the science community to distributing back millions of spectra to this community. For each phase, the operations concept describes the tools required to support the science community in their analyses and the operations staff in their work. It also highlights the specific needs related to the complexity of MSE with millions of targets to observe, thousands of fibers to position, and different spectral resolution to use. Finally, the operations concept shows how the science requirements on calibration and observing efficiency can be met.
operations,multiplexing,Maunakea,observing efficiency,fiber,spectrograph,MSE
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