Contemporary situations of subsistence activities and traditional foods among Alaska Natives through food sovereignty perspective

Journal for The Integrated Study of Dietary Habits(2018)

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Indigenous communities throughout Interior Alaska have actively engaged in various activities aimed to revitalize their traditional subsistence activities and food cultures. These are sometimes called “culture camp.” This paper briefly discusses them through food sovereignty perspective. First, “culture camp” can be seen as an effort by indigenous communities and their non-native collaborators to regain the control over the education of Alaska Native youths in the hands of the community. Second, hunters can apply for exemptions for the out-of-season hunting if the activities are for education purposes. Third, “culture camp” is increasingly seen as a strategy to enhance the well-being of indigenous communities. In conclusion, I argue that indigenous land-based pedagogy should be understood as a part of larger plan for indigenous communities to regain their food sovereignty. This includes a movement to change the regulation on subsistence activities and traditional food in favor of indigenous communities.
foods sovereignty perspective,alaska natives,traditional foods,subsistence activities
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