
Trade-offs for Data-Limited Fisheries when Using Harvest Strategies Based on Catch-Only Models

Fish and fisheries(2018)

引用 19|浏览30
Many of the world's fisheries are unassessed, with little information about population status or risk of overfishing. Unassessed fisheries are particularly predominant in developing countries and in small-scale fisheries, where they are important for food security. Several catch-only methods based on time series of fishery catch and commonly available life-history traits have been developed to estimate stock status (defined as biomass relative to biomass at maximum sustainable yield: B/B-MSY). While their stock status performance has been extensively studied, performance of catch-only models as a management tool is unknown. We evaluated the extent to which a superensemble of three prominent catch-only models can provide a reliable basis for fisheries management and how performance compares across management strategies that control catch or fishing effort. We used a management strategy evaluation framework to determine whether a superensemble of catch-only models can reliably inform harvest control rules (HCRs). Across five simulated fish life histories and two harvest-dynamic types, catch-only models and HCR combinations reduced the risk of overfishing and increased the proportion of stocks above B-MSY compared to business as usual, though often resulted in poor yields. Precautionary HCRs based on fishing effort were robust and insensitive to error in catch-only models, while catch-based HCRs caused high probabilities of overfishing and more overfished populations. Catch-only methods tended to overestimate B/B-MSY for our simulated data sets. The catch-only superensemble combined with precautionary effort-based HCRs could be part of a stepping stone approach for managing some data-limited stocks while working towards more data-moderate assessment methods.
catch-only model,data-limited,data-poor,harvest control rule,management strategy evaluation,superensemble
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